Friday, September 14, 2007


--- 361dm META TRAINING ---

I had been a part of the Meta Training, organized by Covansys and conducted by a small company called 361degree (

The pricipal facilitator, was Gopi, The coordinator was Ram, and the Guide and book creations were from Ritu.

(In the picture on left, you can find Ram, Ritu and Gopi).

Look at them...

Gopi, Ritu and Ram are batchmates from BITS Pilani, Class of 1991. A natural TEAM - they are friends since they met in 1987, have complementary skill sets, and have come together at 361° minds™. They aspire to make it a Preferred Partner for Corporates worldwide in the areas of learning and evaluation of employees and organizations. 'The Best, not the Biggest', is what they want to be.Gopi and Ritu majored in Management, and Ram in Pharma. After college, the three of them worked in completely diverse areas - Gopi in training, consulting and business; Ritu in research & creation, and business; and Ram in business development, sales, marketing and customer / partner relations. In terms of geographical markets, Gopi and Ritu have worked across organizations in India, while Ram, in addition to India, has worked for close to 10 years in the Middle East. In various capacities, the trio has worked across a broad span of products and services companies.Experiences that will help them at 361° minds™

Gopi as a keynote speaker has contributed on many occasions in corporates, research institutions, universities, colleges and schools. These include addressing top-30 scientists of India at NIAS (IISc Bangalore) on 'leading technocrats' ; speaking as a guest of honour on landmark celebrations of organizations and conferences.
Gopi as a trainer and facilitator has worked with senior leaders, managers and executives across more than 100 organizations.
Ritu as a learning content creator has designed many learning simulations, psychometrics, activity based psychometrics and practice exercises that have become a part of many training programs across companies.

Ritu has designed many workshops for corporate executives and other groups of adults like parents of school going children. She has also done extensive research on adult learning.
Gopi and Ritu, as a team, are also consulting India's leading education company in their visioning, strategic planning, new projects evaluation and organization development.
As a part of learning and research, Gopi personally mentors corporate executives and college students who aspire for higher education in India and abroad.
Ram specializes in product / services management that in
volves intensive training, coaching and mentoring of medical experts, healthcare leaders, senior executives and staff.
Ram has set up business units and run them hands-on for the 'critical' periods. As a part of their expansion, he has set up international franchise / dealer networks.

My experience with the training were fasinating to a great extent, 40 days of training not all 8 hours, but gives us a great working action oriented activies that really help you have a different way of looking at life. Gopi, is a single trainer, who can deliver the content right, has a great training experience and perfect to the core of deliver. Ritu's works on the guide are really great. Ram was wonderfully coordinating even though they werent their majors. (The difference between the first snap in the group and the second snap, was Ritu missing and found)

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