Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The SQL Party

We at SQL Star, joined for a 3 day tour, to Kodaikannal, Amazing party, Rizwan had his birthday on the second day.

List of things that we cannot forget and i remember are these:
We started in the afternoon from SQL Star.
We went up a steep where the waterfall started. Someone nearby said, there were snakes and we had to return back. Ramki and myself, even Rizwan were trying to play fool with our peers.
We drank and drank on the birthday of Rizwan, We applied Cake all over his face.
We had a single lover pairing, that bonded more than fevicol.
The unforgettable Skatting learning. Remember Madhu Rani for this.
The side pool of no waterfall and we had a great time with the 2nd and the 3rd snaps.
The journey, I was always with Madhu.
The chocolates and the fruits that we bought while returning. I dint have cash, so i used my credit card to get cash from one of the store.

This snap is all about 3 friends, dear to each other, Uma the ACS Guy, Me and Ramki.

This is the side pool with no waterfall, but we found a bit of stream to dive in, the whole gang.

Sexy snap morphed.

The Van and the tour.

Rememberance are a great way to relax, I found today after many years to blog on them.
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